Cancer Recognition and Referral


This event took place on 8th November 2016 at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club


Introduction and welcome - Zak McMurray, Medical Director, NHS Sheffield CCG

An update on national strategy, new developments and the local picture -Mr Alan Gillespie, Associate Medical Director, STH

Implementing NICE guidance in Sheffield– what is changing? - Dr Anthony Gore, Clinical Director, NHS Sheffield CCG

Question and Answer Session

First Workshop

Second Workshop

Refreshments and Market Place

Third Workshop

Fourth Workshop

Workshop Choices

• Cancer Research UK safety netting processes

• Update on assessment and imaging for brain cancers

• Update on appropriate assessment and referral for skin cancers

• Update on diagnosing upper gastro-intestinal cancer

Learning objectives:

1. Understanding of the new NICE guidance and what it will mean for primary care.

2. Appreciation of the new systems and processes to support early diagnosis.

3. Update on which diagnostics to access and how best to do so

4. Briefing on the new referral ‘safety net’ system