Non Medical Prescribing 11.5.2021

11th May 2021 - 13:30-16:30

Non Medical Prescribing


This event provided an update on the new single competency framework for non-medical prescribers as well as the opportunity for clinical prescribing updates.  It was an opportunity to learn about the new resources available for NMP’s and clinicians via a Microsoft team page and to input into the topics of the ongoing monthly CPD sessions.

A copy of the slides is included below, a copy of the recordings of the event will follow


For further information please contact:


Charlotte McMurray (Pharmacist Team Leader/Diabetes and NMP Lead): and Anna Young(Advanced Nurse Practitioner) at University Health Service:

Please find below all relevant youtube links to the recordings made on the day for each session:

This includes: Opiods,  Dermatology,  Greener Inhaler, Deprescribing and the main plenary session - all below

NMP presentation Opioids and chronic pain 7.5.2021.pptx
Greener Prescribing of Inhalers PLI presentation FINAL FOR PLI USE.ppt
DermPrescribing 1.pptx
Polypharmacy and Deprescribing (2).pptx
Evidence based practicev2.pptx
Single Competency Framework Barbara Obasi.ppt