Mystical Art of Modern Prescribing 06.2.19
This event was held at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club and was aimed at GPs and Advanced Nurse Practitioners
The Learning Objectives for the event were:
Understand the risks to patients of inappropriate polypharmacy
Understand the benefit to patients of appropriate deprescribing and practical tools to support these conversations
Be aware of tools and resources that can support appropriate deprescibing. E.g.
Patient Decision Aids
Local Guidelines
Local Pathways
Shared examples / learning
Data sources – e.g. Open prescribing, polypharmacy reports
Be able to apply the principles of patient centred care to achieve optimised prescribing
Understand potential benefits of pharmacists working as part of the MDT
Understand the support on offer from the different pharmacist professions (pharmacists and technicians) working in Sheffield.
Increased understanding of medication used in transgender.