CYP Mental Health Event - 08.10.2019

This Event took place at Sheffield Wednesday Football  Club:

Setting the Scene – Intergenerational Adversity and the impact of ACES on children and young people and families, including the lifespan approach to mental health

Greg Fell, Director of Public Health Sheffield, Chair of Adverse Childhood Events Strategy Group

Dr Girish Vaidya, MBBS, MD, MRCPsych, MSc (Healthcare Leadership), Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Lived Experience

Professor James Bonham, MBE 

Workshop Sessions:

 ·         Types of gender issues.

·         Jargon Buster – What’s in a name?

·         History taking for gender identity issues

·         Supporting parents/carers

·         Resources

Eating Disorder (Christine Ramsden) - you will have an understanding of:

 ·         Sheffield Eating Disorder Assessment and Treatment Team – Referral criteria

·         Interface with CAMHS

·         Update:  Development of All Age Pathway for Eating Disorders in Sheffield

ADHD (Shatha Shibib and Caroline Bleakley) – you will have an understanding of:

 ·         Understand the Consequences of Untreated ADHD

·         Recognise Changing Presentation Across the Lifespan and a “shout out for the girls”

·         Optimisation and Treatment of ADHD in 2019 – NICE 1 year on

Stall representatives from Chilypep, Door 43, CAMHS and Parent/Carer Forum including the launch of the Mental Health Passport

NHS Confed Lifespan MH NHS Sheffield CCG.pdf
GP-PLI Eating Disorders.pdf
transgender Final.pdf
ADHD Caroline Bleakley Shatha Shibib.pdf
MH passport Presentation PLI.pdf
Parental Mental Health foreword.doc
GP talk final J Bonham.pdf
InclusionExclusion Criteria.docx
Chilypep MHP Zine A4 Small.pdf
Chilypep MHP Compiled Zine.pdf
learning brief Family Z.pdf