Does Primary Care Play a Part in Early Cancer Diagnosis? PLI Event

This event took place on 5th November 2019 at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club

The Agenda:

Sally Furness, CRUK, and Sara Taylor NHS Sheffield CCG

Feedback on the Project so far with SEA data, interactive media and emergent themes

Jana Witt, Programme Manager NCDA - Cancer Research UK

An overview of the National Cancer Diagnosis Audit (NCDA), a national audit of patient pathways to cancer diagnosis, currently in its second round of data collection. Case Study Examples of practice level learning and quality improvement activities will be shared

Dr Alex Ball, Consultant, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

Bowel cancer screening – does this reduce emergency admissions?

Katie Markham – Screening & Immunisation Co-ordinator, Public Health England

Cancer Screening coverage/uptake in Sheffield – using Fingertips/NHS Digital. Using Sheffields Data to target a reduction in health inequalities

Sally Furness - CRUK - Interactive session- Scenarios –menti-meter/slido