Safeguarding PLI 15.12.2020
Safeguarding Programme 13:15-16:30
Welcome, introductions led by : Alun Windle – Interim Chief Nurse- Head of Quality, Sheffield CCG
Session 1 – Self-Neglect with Q&A
13:25-14:05 Sue Brook – Designated Professional Safeguarding Adults, Sheffield CCG
Session 2 –GP roles in Adult Health Assessments for foster carers/adoptees with Q & A
14:10-14:30 Lorraine Pearson – Designated Doctor and Medical Adviser for Looked After and Adoptive Children, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Session 3 –Managing Safeguarding Issues in Remote Consultations
14:35-14:55 Sharon Dixon – GP and Researcher, Oxford
Session 4 – Contextual Safeguarding – what is it? with time for Q&A
15:00-16:00 Kevin Stevens – Amber Project and Simon Mitchell – Fortify
Session 5 - ICON Programme with time for Q&A
16:05-16:25 Diane Shahlavi – Deputy Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children / CDOP manager, Sheffield CCG
Closing Remarks 16:25-16:30 Anna Ramsbottom – Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children , Sheffield CCG
Please find below the slides from the above event that you can use for your own learning and reflection and please also find below a copy of the recordings from the event, which are uploaded to our you tube channel