Safeguarding PLI 15.12.2020

Safeguarding Programme 13:15-16:30

Welcome, introductions led by :  Alun Windle – Interim Chief Nurse- Head of Quality, Sheffield CCG

Session 1 – Self-Neglect with Q&A

13:25-14:05 Sue Brook – Designated Professional Safeguarding Adults, Sheffield CCG

Session 2 –GP roles in Adult Health Assessments for foster carers/adoptees with Q & A

14:10-14:30 Lorraine Pearson – Designated Doctor and Medical Adviser for Looked After and Adoptive Children, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Session 3 –Managing Safeguarding Issues in Remote Consultations

14:35-14:55 Sharon Dixon – GP and Researcher, Oxford

Session 4 – Contextual Safeguarding – what is it? with time for Q&A

15:00-16:00 Kevin Stevens – Amber Project and Simon Mitchell – Fortify

Session 5 - ICON Programme with time for Q&A

16:05-16:25 Diane Shahlavi – Deputy Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children / CDOP manager, Sheffield CCG

Closing Remarks 16:25-16:30 Anna Ramsbottom – Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children , Sheffield CCG 

Please find below the slides from the above event that you can use for your own learning and reflection and please also find below a copy of the recordings from the event, which are uploaded to our you tube channel

PLI Self Neglect.pptx
Lorraine Pearson Session 2.pptx
Contextual Safeguarding presentation Session 4.pptx
Sharon Dixon Session 3.pptx
Diane Shahlavi Session 5.ppt