Shaping Sheffield Integration and Transformation

7th March 2017

This event took place at Sheffield United Football Club on 7th March 2017


1.00 Lunch and networking opportunity from 1.00 onwards

2.00 Welcome and introduction to today’s event

Dr Andrew McGinty, CCG Clinical Director and event Compere

2.10 Sheffield now and into the future

Dr Tim Moorhead, CCG Chair

2.25 Shaping a Healthier Sheffield: transforming health and care

Maddy Ruff, Accountable Officer

Dr Anthony Gore, CCG Clinical Director

2.50 Improving wellbeing through social prescribing

Joe Fowler, Director of Commissioning, Sheffield City Council

3.05 Audience questions

3.45 Making it easy to do the right thing

Dr Iolanthe Fowler, Clinical Director, Integrated Community Care and Primary Care Interface Services, STH NHS FT

Helen Chapman, Head of Service for Integrated Community care, STH NHSFT

4.05 Sustaining and Transforming Primary Care in Sheffield

Katrina Cleary, Programme Director for Primary Care

4.15 Primary Care Sheffield: supporting delivery of the GP Forward View

Dr Andy Hilton, Chief Executive, Primary Care Sheffield

4.25 Question and Answer Session with the Panel

4.50 Concluding remarks - Maddy Ruff

5.00 Close

One rolling presentation.pdf