End of Life Care 11.5.2022



Dr Philippa Jeacocke and Dr Sarah Mitchell

Introduction and Welcome and Operational Updates from Citywide EOLC Group


Nick Deayton

Compassionate Sheffield: a community development approach to death and dying


Sabia Rehman (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals) and Naureen Khan from St Luke’s Hospice

Culturally Competent Palliative Care


Dr Trish Evans, Dr Lairab Sharo and Dr Emma Castle (Page Hall Practice)

Proactive Advance Care Planning in Primary Care


Dr Liz Allsop (Devonshire Green Medical Centre) Helen Smith (St Lukes Hospice) Dr Lou Millington (Sheffield Health Inequalities Champion, Forge Health Group), Jayne Hilton (previously of Archer Project Sheffield), Dr Ceris Evans (Sloane Medical Centre).

Complexity in Palliative Care


John Soto and Lisa Smith

Sheffield Cruse Bereavement Skills for Primary Care Teams

Key Learning Objectives:

Compassionate Sheffield: a community development approach to death and dying - Nick Deayton

- Become familiar with the community development approach to EoLC and what this translates into in everyday life and clinical


- Be aware of the Compassionate Sheffield programme and how this supports EoLC across the city

Proactive advance care planning in primary care – Dr Lairab Sharo, Dr Emma Castle, Dr Trish Evans

- Discuss how we can be more proactive in facilitating compassionate and patient centred ACP discussions in the non-urgent setting

within primary care

- Be aware of ACP resources that can be shared within the practice and with patients and families to aid discussions

Complexity in palliative care – Dr Liz Allsopp (Devonshire Green Medical Centre) and Helen Smith (SLH)

- Be aware of different factors and contexts that can make delivering effective palliative care more complex eg homelessness, drug


- Discuss ways we can mitigate these challenges in primary care

- Be aware of resources/services within the city that can support us with care of these patients

Bereavement skills for primary care teams – Sheffield Cruse John Soto and Lisa Smith

- Have an overview of different models of grief and bereavement

- Be aware of the concept of complex grief / prolonged grief disorder its risk factors, and identifying patients who are at higher risk of

developing this

- Be aware of the newly funded bereavement support services available in the city and how to access them

Culturally competent palliative care – Sabia Rehman (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals) and Naureen Khan from St Luke’s Hospice

- Be aware of which of our patients may experience additional barriers to accessing palliative care due to culture or


- Gain an understanding of what culturally competent palliative care looks like

- Discuss strategies and approaches we can pursue within out daily practice to mitigate these potential barriers

Stall Holders

Sheffield Carers Centre Jan Outram

St Lukes Hospice Jill Aeppli

Cruse Information only

Diversecity TBC

Bens Centre TBC

HAST (Homeless Mental Health Team) Andrew Rodgers

HEP C Outreach Nurses (info only)

Homeless and Complex Peoples Health Joanne Allott (Halt), Tim Renshaw (Archer Project), Framework, Stacey Burgess (Street Outreach Nurse)

Advanced Care Planning PLI Slides.pptx
Homeless Palliative care slides v4.pptx
Compassionate Sheffield_PLI Tackling Inequalities_2022.05.11.pptx
Culturally Competent Palliative Care.pptx
Sarah Mitchell presentation 7.5.22a.pptx
Cruse Slides - Kirsty Slack 1- 11.05.22 - NHS.pptx

Resource Forms and Information

Community ACP cover letter template - DRAFT.docx
Compassionate Sheffield_One Pager_04 April 2022.pdf
Our Services in Sheffield 2 slides 2.pptx