The Future of Practice Nurse Workforce - "Leading Change - Adding Value" 14.3.18

Post date: 19-Mar-2018 10:25:47

Information and Slides from the event can be found below - including:

Welcome and Keynote Speech - The Vision of Primary Care in Sheffield - from Mandy Philbin

Carole Lavelle - How Nurses add value through being leaders of change Presentation


1. Preparing For Revalidation - Sherly Gibson & Anne Baird

2. Building the General Practice Workforce from the Roots Up - Marie Therese Massey & Sanni Khan

3. Quality Improvement - whats in it for me? Laura Schuller, Tracey Turton and Angela Ronan

4. Raising your Profile - Kathryn Yates

We also have the table discussions feed back report and the event evaluation which is available to read